Friday, March 9, 2007

Histories Mysteries: Do Jews have horns?

We were in Parshah class and my teacher was trying to explain something. She says

"I know this is hard to understand, but some
people, who don't know anything about Jews,
say that we have horns."

Everyone in my class just burst out laughing. Horns? HORNS?! My teacher went on about how to them it makes perfect sense, that Jews have horns, but to us it's utterly ridiculous. My friends started making jokes about it, saying like

"Yes! I DO have horns! They're growing in right here!"

"I'll ask my brother about his horns when I go home"

"one time, this guy came to my brother and said 'lift up your hat I want to see your horns'. He burst out laughing!"

My teacher kept trying to explain why people thought we had horns, but people were rolling on the floor laughing! Someone actually got sent out of class because they just couldn't take it anymore. The reason people thought we had horns, is because the second time Moshe came down from Har Sinia, his face was shining with the Shicheena, so some of the light made it look like he had horns. Later after Moshe's death, a sculpture was made of him with horns. So people concluded that Jew's have horns, and cover them with our yamachas. But still you have to admit, imagine living in a world where everyone has horns!


outofAMMO said...

a yamacha?

you woudn't mean YAMULKAS, would you?

Although 'yamacha' sounds pretty cool.

iguana said...

You were there when I made this post, you should have showed it to me. How many times have I saved you from embarresing your self with your bad typos?

outofAMMO said...

Hey, I just noticed it now.
And for u saving ME, i can' think of any, but Blogger2 has this really cool thing where u can edit any post no matter how old it is.

iguana said...

And when did you figure this out?

outofAMMO said...

i forget.

Rafiki said...

wow. I never knew they were there before but there they are.

iguana said...

Have you noticed the little trash can next to your comment yet?

Unknown said...

actually.....its yarmulkes