Sunday, May 3, 2009

60 degrees? I must be dreaming

it's already may, peoples. You know what that means.


That's right! Studies show (or maybe they don't if just looks cooler that way) that most baby girls are born in the month of may. Except me. But I'm better than them anyway, so what do I need to be born in may for? (sarcasm sarcasm). But may is SUPPOSED to be the month in which warm weather decides to show up! That's good, isn't it?

But it's already may usually means that school will be over in June. Unless it's not. That would be kinda strange. But school usually ends in June, so that means this will be my last month of 7th grade. Next year will probably be 8th grade which mean MAJOR FUNDRAISING TIME!!! Mrs. Jarcaig estimates that to go to Washin'ton, we'll need to raise over 10,000 dollars, which she said wouldn't be justified in this economy. So we're not going to Washintong next year. Maybe we'll go to the dells? Maybe we'll go to New York? Maybe we'll go to Sherman Perk? (coffee shop around the corner, to all ya'll non-Milwaukee'ans.)

YOU decide!!

Feel free to send me a fat envelope stuffed with cash! And remember: this good cause is GOOD.....'cause!

enjoying her new compy,
iguana ^.^


Kovi said...

um... u mean mom's new compy?
I know what all y'all 8th grade girls should do: Camp out in tents for five days and nights in Tigerwoods up north. Eat bugs to survive at night... have horrifically violent paintball fights during the day. When the victors emerge they will be irrecognizable as the cute little girls who went into those woods... but only as... filthy, mud covered and battle scarred savages....

iguana said...

really? I LOVE filthy, mud covered and battle scarred savages!!!!