Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A little goes not a long way

Topic of the day: High metabolism.

Chokay, due to my Math Teacher, Mrs. P, being very bored as of late, she decided to pass out these 'do it yourself' type health slips. They said stuff like how many calories you're supposed to burn in one day, how many you need to gain weight, lose weight, etc.
She also mentioned high metabolism, to which many people in my class shared their VERY unwanted comments:

"Oh, I know this girl who has a real high metabolism. It's really disgusting, she sits down to eat and then in fifteen minutes she has to go to the bathroom (snarkle)!"

Things I could live without knowing! But anyway, as makes sense in this case, I became way to concerned with how much water I was drinking daily, calorie intake, and.....brace your ears for this one........asking myself how often I went to the bathroom. Why do people keep assaulting teenagers about their weight these days anyway?!?!?!?
Well, I'm not technically a teenager yet. Got three more months to go. At least I think that's how long. I'm too lazy to do the math and find out. It's March now, right? So my birthday's in July. Aw, who cares. So anyway, I've been really nervous about my weight and stuff. So I decided to write it all out on a blog, right? Hah! Am I smart or am I smart? Oh, they never saw this coming! I AM ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!!!!

Current mood- troubled! :{

1 comment:

fudge said...

elana, you don't have to worry about your weight. you're skinny.

also, it has nothing to do with how many times you go to the bathroom.